I, Toto: The Autobiography of Terry, the Dog Who Was Toto

A member of a Cairn Terrier forum where I am a member recommended this delightful book. After reading it, and enjoying it thoroughly, I wanted to pass this on to the readers of Divinity’s blog.

I, Toto – Book Cover

I, Toto – Book Cover


During the expansion of the Ventura Freeway in Los Angeles, Willard Carroll unearthed a leather-bound scrapbook from a site that was once a pet cemetery. To his amazement, its yellowing pages contained the rags-to-riches story of Terry, the Cairn Terrier who played Toto in the enduring film The Wizard of Oz.

Note: Terry was the mother of Rommy, another movie Cairn terrier, who appeared in other films including Reap the Wild Wind (1942) and Air Force (1943).

Judy Garland and Terry (1939)

Judy Garland and Terry (1939)


Reprinted in its entirety, I, Toto traces the canine star’s tragic beginnings, her exhilarating film career, and her happy retirement in Southern California.

One Page from I, Toto

One page from I, Toto


Best of all, it offers the inside scoop on Toto’s signature role, her costars, and the making of The Wizard of Oz. Toto’s lovingly illustrated scrapbook features 150 photographs collected over the dog’s life.


Terry with Shirley Temple

Terry as Rags with Shirley Temple in Bright Eyes (1934)


Terry as Rex with Virginia Weidler in Bad Little Angel (1939)

Terry as Rex with Virginia Weidler in Bad Little Angel (1939)


Terry with Spence Tracy in Tortilla Flat (1942)

Terry with Spence Tracy in Tortilla Flat (1942)


Toto with the Wicked Witch

Toto with the Wicked Witch

Terry with other Celebrity Dogs

Terry with other Celebrity Dogs


* Wiki page with information on Toto

* Wiki page with information on Terry

* Wiki page with information on Carl Spitz, the owner and trainer of Terry (Toto)


Terry's Filmography

Terry’s Filmography


Terry/Toto Memorial

Terry/Toto Memorial


Divinity & Dad – Project Unconditional Facebook

Project Unconditional - FacebookProject Unconditional posted about Divinity & Dad on their Facebook page.

Note: I would like to thank Marge, who was Divinity’s foster mom, for the very kind comment she wrote on the Project Unconditional blog page.

Project Unconditional – OLDER DOGS . . . DEEPER LOVE

Jane Sobel Klonsky

Jane Sobel Klonsky’s Project Unconditional, is a collection of photos and stories focusing on the powerful relationships between people and their older dogs.

Join Jane Klonsky and Project Unconditional as they travel around the country capturing the extraordinary moments shared by people and their senior dogs.

To read more about Project Unconditional, click HERE

You can also read about Project Unconditional on their Facebook Page